Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles written by c.m. swanson

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  • Sherm Booen's enchanting voice of aviation

    C.M. Swanson|Apr 1, 2016

    His was an engaging voice causing people to stop their own conversations in a restaurant to listen and comment, "Do you hear that?" It caused people to rush home after church on Sunday to watch the World of Aviation on WCCO television. The amiable tone and enchanting timbre of his voice moved people to approach him at public events to say, "I know that voice. Are you Sherm Booen?" "His voice was so unbelievable," said Thunderbird Aviation president Nancy Grazzini-Olson as she shared memories of... Full story

  • MBAA holds Fifth Annual Aviation Day at Capitol

    C.M. Swanson|Apr 1, 2016

    Representatives of aviation related industries and organizations met with legislators for the Fifth Annual Aviation Day at the Capitol in March to discuss the importance of general aviation airports to their surrounding communities. Gordon Hoff, Executive Director of the Minnesota Business Aviation Association (MBAA) offered focus points to attendees during an informal breakfast in the Senate Building prior to meetings with legislators. Members of the Minnesota Aviation Trades Association... Full story

  • Academy College celebrates 80 years with Open House

    C.M. Swanson|Mar 1, 2016

    "We are thrilled," said Academy College President Nancy Grazzini-Olson. "Celebrating 80 years of this college serving the community is such a milestone." Adding to the excitement of the Open House is an announcement of a New Aviation Scholarship being offered through the college, honoring a long time Minnesota aviator (to be announced at the Open House). "With employment opportunities in the aviation industry coming as fast as we can turn out graduates, we wanted to enhance the opportunity for... Full story

  • Establishing clients' needs breeds success

    C.M. Swanson|Feb 1, 2016

    When he was in sixth grade in Willmar Elementary School, Brian Bollig knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. "I was building dams when the snow was melting in the gutters, pushing the water different ways," said Bollig. "That's when I knew I wanted to do try to do something with water. That's where my engineering path started." The dream never left him. In time he earned a Bachelor's Degree in Natural Sciences from St. John's University, a Civil Engineering Degree and a Masters Degree in Env... Full story

  • Public servant leads MAC from infancy to maturity

    C.M. Swanson|Feb 1, 2016

    There has been a multitude of challenges to face in the changing airline industry over the past 39 years. Such times of testing either bring one to one's knees, or build one's ability to run the gauntlet with courage and grace. Jeff Hamiel, Executive Director and CEO of the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) chose the latter path in his leadership of that organization. A partial list of Hamiel's stellar accomplishments include guiding MAC through deregulation of the airline industry in 1978,... Full story

  • Mitchell raises number of flying Lindseys to three

    C.M. Swanson|Feb 1, 2016

    How long has 17-year-old Mitchell Lindsey wanted to be a pilot? "Since forever," said Lindsey who soloed on his sixteenth birthday and passed his private pilot check ride on his seventeenth birthday. "I've always wanted to be a pilot." Currently a junior at Blaine High School, Lindsey's next goal is an instrument rating, though he doesn't intend to stop there. One day he envisions himself as a commercial pilot for a major air line. His dream is very close to home. Norm Lindsey, his father, is a... Full story

  • Wings of the North holds annual kickoff party amidst aircraft

    C.M. Swanson|Feb 1, 2016

    Wings of the North started the New Year off right with their Annual Kickoff Party and Holiday Gathering at Flying Cloud Airport in January. Planning begins now for Air Expo 2016 which will be held in July. However, the first week in May Wings of the North will have a Grand Opening for their official new air museum, something that's been in the works for years. "It really just sort of came together," said museum curator Judy Jasperson. "We have wonderful benefactors who have beautiful airplanes... Full story

  • Breaking the norm

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Tracy Lovness packs an impressive amount of passion into her flying experience. Commonly, the story about how one becomes a pilot originates with a childhood dream. Lovness breaks that norm. Born, raised, and still based in Stillwater Minnesota just three miles from the home in which she grew up, Lovness began her flying career as an adult. All it took was one demo ride to realize her life was about to change. "It was a perfect summer day," said Lovness. "The instructor flew over our house so I... Full story

  • Northpoint Aviation builds international contacts

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Northpoint Aviation, the FBO at Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport is smoothly keeping stride with ever growing, always progressive forces behind the original formation and development of the region's airfield. In the 1920's Henry Rosko housed Brainerd's first airfield. The 1940's saw a partnership between the city of Brainerd and Crow Wing County resulting in land acquisition and development of a new airport to meet the needs of increased air traffic. Brainerd resident Walter Wieland implored the... Full story

  • Keeping the important things the important things

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Brad Johnson, Strategic Account Executive at The Nerdery, a custom software design and development company based in Bloomington, activates his belief in the value of involving youth in aviation by volunteering with AirSpace Minnesota. "I had been looking for a way to get involved in promoting aviation to youth," said Johnson, a Go Boldly Ambassador with AirSpace Minnesota's Hub Leader program. "Unless we get youth excited and get them to understand the opportunities that exist in aviation, there... Full story

  • Meet Me in Moose Lake

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    When he was in junior high school, Tom Stillwell wanted to become a pilot. His pursuit was delayed by one of those pesky adults in an authoritative role who told him wearing glasses would disqualify him for that position. So he did the next best thing. He became a surgeon. It was a circuitous route, attending Hamline University, getting married, beginning a family, going to grad school at the University of Wisconsin, joining the Navy with the provision of receiving a scholarship to attend... Full story

  • Super Cub Santa flies again!

    C.M. Swanson|Dec 1, 2015

    In a day and age when many situations in life change faster than Minnesota weather patterns, it's comforting to know at least one longstanding tradition continues to be upheld to this very day. It is especially comforting when that tradition includes wearing a soft red suit, slinging a bag of toys over one's shoulder and belting out a few ho ho hos, all for the delight of children. The follower of this specific tradition does have his own little twist, however. Rather than the well-known Dasher... Full story

  • Heavirland's are a two Aeronca Chief family

    C.M. Swanson|Dec 1, 2015

    As a very young boy living on a farm in South Dakota, Bob Heavirland sometimes scrambled up a 12-foot snow bank to retrieve the week's mail, wrapped in butcher paper, air dropped from the open window of an Aeronca Champ. Mail from the next town was delivered the same way in a 1948 Aeronca Super Chief. The young boy never dreamed one day he'd own that exact Super Chief. Heavirland explained that, in those days, before the myriad of aircraft regulations we know today, airplanes owned by farmers... Full story

  • Fast learners excel at Accelerated Aviation Instruction

    C.M. Swanson|Dec 1, 2015

    After a situational hiatus, the aviation industry is once more on the rise. Current high demands for pilots has caused flight schools to evolve to meet the needs of students motivated to attain a private pilot license in less than the national average of 65-70 hours of flight time, (often stretched out over a year's time). Accelerated Aviation Instruction, a Part 61 flight school based at the Albert Lea Municipal Airport, offers a 40 to 45 hour flight time program for those wanting to go from ze... Full story

  • Meet Me in Moose Lake

    C.M. Swanson|Dec 1, 2015

    Gary Black is the kind of pilot who doesn't take anything for granted. Though his vast flying experience could easily create overconfidence, Black remains steadfastly faithful to the rules of flight. "We're going to start going through the checklist," said Black as the doors close on the 2015 Cirrus SR22T for a flight from Moose Lake Airport to Anoka County Blaine Airport. "We do have a parachute on board for the whole aircraft. The safety pin is pulled out so the parachute is armed in case of... Full story

  • Girls International Aviation Day in Minnesota number one celebration

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    Girls International Aviation Day was celebrated worldwide. The September 26 event at Downtown St. Paul Airport's Holman Field was the largest gathering of all those held. Stars of the North, the Minnesota Chapter of Women in Aviation, and AirSpace Minnesota organized the gathering. Attendance was estimated at 1,000. Resources were available at booths in the hangar representing colleges, flight schools, and aviation related businesses. Young Eagle rides were given to 213 girls. Attendees were... Full story

  • Twelfth Annual Flying Cloud Air Tour total joy!

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    There are any number of reasons the Twelfth Annual Flying Cloud Air Tour, (affectionately know by participants as the Ben McQuillan Air Tour) was such a wild success. The combination of Nerf Ball Drop, Madeline Island destination, beautiful though windy weather, and camaraderie of over 40 pilots and their passengers was the stuff of which treasured memories are made. Award winning, professional pilot and air tour planner Ben McQuillan, CFI, CFII, MEI started the event with a briefing a few days... Full story

  • Sierra Hotel Aero Pet Expo draws wide variety of pets and their people

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    There were more warm, fuzzy feelings than you could shake a stick at during the Sierra Hotel Aero Pet Expo held October 17 at the Commemorative Air Force Hanger at Fleming Field in South St. Paul. There would have been a certain element of danger should one have shaken a stick at the event anyway, what with all the four footed friends around. It was a great day for shaking hands and shaking paws as pets and pet owners got to know one another. Attendees got first hand information on how pet... Full story

  • Winged classroom creates fertile learning space

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    As any successful author knows, it's all about experience and research. University Avenue Elementary School Aerospace Education Coordinator, Kate Watson has a firm grasp on this concept as well. That's how her second graders end up at Golden Wings Flying Museum in at Anoka County Blaine Airport. "This is their launch to the work they will be doing all year in creating a Flight Book," said Watson. "In May we make it a big family event where they invite their families to the airport to celebrate... Full story

  • AirSpace Minnesota power panels discuss aerospace

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    Power exuded from the Jeanne D'Arc Auditorium at St. Catherine University the afternoon of September 25 in the form of presentations and panel discussions on aerospace. The high-end team of experts was brought together by AirSpace Minnesota. "We organized this leadership dialogue to showcase the breadth of opportunities happening right now in the aerospace industry," said Kristi Rollag Wangstad, AirSpace Minnesota president. "Historically Minnesota has an established base in this field. Each... Full story

  • Delta Air Lines hosts first WING Flight for girls

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    If proof is needed to show how sincere a company is about encouraging women to consider a career in aviation, Delta Air Lines has it. On Saturday, September 26, Delta held their first ever Women Inspiring our Next Generation (WING) Flight to the Seattle Museum of Flight. The WING Flight was a gift to just over 120 girls. "We reached out with invitations to the Minneapolis and St. Paul School district, Civil Air Patrol, Big Sisters, Minnesota ACE Camps," said Delta Air Lines First Officer, Cheri... Full story

  • Minnesota 99s shine on Minnesota at section meeting

    C.M. Swanson|Nov 1, 2015

    It's a rare business meeting that is described as fun, but where the Minnesota Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, international organization of women pilots is concerned, that branding is an absolute must. The weekend of September 25-27 the North Central Section Meeting was based at Anoka-Blaine Airport. Chairperson of the Minnesota Chapter of the 99s, Patti Sandusky and the chapter's members had a three-fold purpose, conduct a motivating meeting, have fun, and show off Minnesota. "It was spectacular!... Full story

  • Sierra Hotel Aero, Inc. hosts Pet Expo in hangar

    C.M. Swanson|Oct 1, 2015

    Pet owners love to talk about their pets. At Fleming Field Airport in South St. Paul, those conversations happen a lot. Sierra Hotel Aero, Inc. Quality Assurance Manager Kathy Fox said it was quite natural that the first ever Pet Expo should arise from those conversations. "It is common practice for people at many businesses on the airport grounds to bring their pets to work with them," said Fox. "When we started looking at the various organizations that the pets came from, we realized there... Full story

  • Minnesota Aviation Trades Association membership increasing

    C.M. Swanson|Oct 1, 2015

    The Minnesota Aviation Trades Association (MATA) Annual meeting and barbecue held August 20 was a fantastic weather day resulting in a most pleasant social hour complete with a picnic on the grounds of Twin Cities Aviation at Anoka County-Blaine Airport. At the brisk, efficient meeting, MATA president Greg Reigel reported the organization has been growing for the past two years. It currently has over 60 members. Activities include advocacy efforts with the Minnesota Business Aviation... Full story

  • AOPA actively supports user friendly community airports

    C.M. Swanson|Oct 1, 2015

    Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) is making a difference in how today's society views aviation. AOPA president Mark Baker, and his fully dedicated, energized team are putting the awe back in awesome where aviation is concerned by reaching out to people on a personal basis. Baker was smitten with the love of aviation as a child. He recalls lying on a hill, looking up at the sky, "simply for the joy of watching those round engines go by." His ensuing years of experience, engaging in... Full story

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